Jerod Myers



Jerod’s roots run deep in Virginia, where he spent his formative years exploring forest and riverine ecosystems nestled in the Appalachian Mountains. After completing his undergraduate degree at Virginia Tech in 2013, he embarked on a career in research and consulting, which equipped him with a discerning eye that serves him well in his design work.

Eager to expand his horizons and deepen his understanding of landscape design, Jerod pursued a Masters in Landscape Architecture from the Polytechnic University of Valencia, where he was captivated by the resilience and beauty of the Mediterranean landscape.

When he’s not immersed in his professional pursuits, Jerod can be found out and about, often hiking and swimming. He also delights in exploring his creative side through culinary experimentation and dabbling in watercolors.


Master of Landscape Architecture - Universitat Politècnica de València

Master of Territorial Planning and Environmental Management - Universitat de Barcelona

Bachelor of Environmental Planning & Policy - Virginia Tech